Hotel WODs

Good morning!!

I am visiting a friend in Washington DC and am so excited to be here in the city, away from the country life for a little bit. We are having a blast sight-seeing and eating a variety of foods. However, there is one thing that I was very concerned about, and something that you might struggle with as well: working out while away from your normal box or gym.

I ALWAYS pack a bag of work out gear. Shoes, jumprope, sports bras and an assortment of crops, shorts, and pants are a necessity. Some hotels keep their work out gyms either steaming hot and humid because their pool is close, or freezing cold to counteract the sweat you’ll (hopefully) be working towards. I always make sure to set an alarm too that is realistic, especially if I know the night before I’ll be having too good of time to remind myself to do such a thing.

Here’s a thing that might also be a worry, drinking while on vacation. I’m counting my macros now and I stress all the time about still hitting my numbers, and alcohol certainly doesn’t help. I don’t want to be the odd duck out, but I also have goals for myself that I can’t let alcohol get in the way of. My philosophy is this: drink one drink for a long period of time. You’ll still be drinking alcohol, but you don’t need to get hammered and feel horrible the next day for missing your work out. Also, drink your water and lots of it! Water makes all the difference in my routine and physique. Finally, get plenty of sleep. It might suck to head to bed early, but your body needs rest rather if it feels drained or full of energy. After my 3 hour drive to the city yesterday I was exhausted and turned in around 11:15. It felt amazing though to be waking up at 8 and getting my work out in while all the other girls were fast asleep.

Here’s my work out for today while at the hotel. My hotel gym just had some cardio machines and free weights so I didn’t have a lot to choose from but I still made it happen for a great leg day work out.

Free Weighted Leg Work Out:

20 reps: Stiff Leg Deadlifts (I used 20lbs)
20 reps: Split Squats (30lbs: 15 in each hand)
15 reps: Free Weight Swings (35lbs)
10 reps: Sumo Squats (25lbs)
10 reps: Front Squats(30lbs: 15 in each hand, racked on top of shoulders. Keep those elbows up!)
20 reps: Curtsey Lunges (30lbs: 15 in each hand)

Repeat 2 more times for a total of 3! Hope you enjoy and feel it in the morning!


May we meet again