I love working out but…

What am I supposed to do when I’m sick? Take a break? What’s this ‘rest’ everyone keeps talking about, it doesn’t sound fun.

One thing that also seems to happen when I am in the middle of a 100,000 things is that I get sick. It might be stress, it might that I have many things going on at once, it might be the weather, who knows? Either way, this past week I got sick. Since this past Monday I have been battling a sore throat and a stuffy/runny nose. My WODs have taken a back seat, unfortunately. I took Monday off, not because I didn’t feel absolutely like death but because I had a photo shoot in Richmond and didn’t have the time to work out. I went and did a WOD on Tuesday and Wednesday, hoping that I could sweat the illness away, but that only it made it more mad. On Thursday I still went to the Box but instead of doing the WOD assigned, my partner (whom I also call my WOD wife ((don’t be weird, she’s my bestie)) and I did a skill WOD circuit, which I’ll post below. I didn’t feel too awful after doing that but Friday I woke up and that ended up being the worst day.

I still had to go teach, I had been teaching the whole week besides Monday, so I continued to go and yet it was the worst day I felt while being sick. Every class period was spent just trying to make it through while blowing my nose in the back corner and typing on a projector what I wanted the students to accomplish. I could barely talk and walk across the room without getting fatigued. I knew I needed to contain my energy though because I had a Crossfit birthday party to go to that evening. Not only that, but The Open just started and I wanted to go and show my support for my team at our Box.

If you don’t know what The Open is, let me tell you real quick. The Open is connected to the Crossfit Games but it’s for everyone that participates in Crossfit. You’re measured up against every other person at every box in the country. You can see where you rank and the best athletes from a Box compete in the Crossfit Games. Even gyms go up against each other to establish what Box is the best in its region. For me, I’m participating this year to see how I will continuously do in the future. I’m using this as a benchmark so I can write down that in this year this was my ultimate PR for this particular movement. Or, this was my Metcon time for this particular WOD. Either way, I want to be able to see my rank go up each year and think to myself how far I’ve come in just a year’s time. If you haven’t signed up I encourage you to, or if you already are, kill the WODs and be proud of yourself for giving it your all.


I went and supported my team at our box for three hours. I couldn’t believe how long I was there but I was so hooked I couldn’t imagine going home and just sitting on my couch watching TV or reading a book. When I’m in the Crossfit zone, I’m in the zone. We have so many incredible athletes it was unbelievable to watch. I got to watch older gentlemen kicking ass for their age. I got to see people younger than me in better shape and basically killing themselves to get nationally ranked and it gave me the best feeling. My passion for Crossfit is fueled by watching these people accomplish a WOD. Now, all I can do is wait for my turn to give this same WOD a shot. Today is Saturday and I have until Monday morning to feel like myself again. I’m nervous I’ll be too fatigued. I’m furious I couldn’t compete last night with the rest of my family, but I just keep telling myself that I can do this.

Best remedy for me when I’m sick: Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate.
Call me crazy, but I don’t take any medicine. I don’t like that there are hundreds of drugs out there in the world that say they all do the same thing. Why are there so many products? How do you know what brand is the best if they are all “recommended by doctors?” It makes absolutely no sense.


I believe that sleep and water is the best resources for your body and most of the time being sick is just my body’s way of telling me to slow down and recharge. That’s what I’m going to do. If you have an hour to spare I encourage you to give the WOD below a try, it’s awesome!

Skill WOD from Train Heroic (Crossfit App that motivates you to master those gymnastic skills):

Warm Up:
Circuit Style/3 sets/10sec each movement:
GHD Bridge
Laying Handstand Hold Drill
Extended Hollow Hold
Wrist Flexibility
Handstand Wall Balance

1 set/Unbroken/Max Reps:
Ring Push Ups
Modified Ring PU

Minute 1: KB Swings/35lbs
Minute 2: Modified HSPU
Minute 3: Shot Guns
Minute 4: Handstand Holds

Circuit through 3x:
V Ups (10)
GHG Hollow Hold (20 secs)


Give it a whirl!
May we meet again (unless the WOD kills ya šŸ™‚



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